Data samples site

Notice: development started on: 2020-09-02.
If you see this notice, this site is probably not finished.
Also note, that this is started as a home project without major background in the field.

Why? Help development and programming practice with simple sample data collections.

How? Collect sample data items, lists and links to useful datasets.

Highlighted datasets

Names - hun - fem - noacc

Sample Hungarian female names (or nicknames) which has no accent characters

  1. Anna
  2. Bea | Bogi
  3. Csilla
  4. Dorka
  5. Eszter
  6. Fruzsi

Flora - hun - noacc

Sample Hungarian fruits (or vegetables, or other plants) which has no accent characters

  1. alma
  2. birs | bodza
  3. citrom
  4. datolya
  5. eper
  6. faeper
  7. galagonya
  8. hagyma